Taekwondo Sparring


This is discussion on Taekwondo Sparring we had October 2017.

One characteristic of my early training in martial arts was you never talked in class, you don't question your instructor, and you just do as you are told.

There are actually positives with this kind of training, but if you want to create a real learning environment, students should be encouraged to interact and provide feedback. This is so that martial art instructors can get feedback beyond their simple observation of physical technique.

As you are engaged in practice, you should also clarify what you are doing and what you want to accomplish in the various drills that you have. Recently I observed a sparring practice that had elements of various other taekwondo application and sparring sessions but seemed to lack a little focus. Sometimes this is fine - you can enjoying this interaction, you can use those sessions to improve cardiovascular performance, but this is not the most optimal way of learning about your martial system.

In the discussion from the first video, we talk about maximising the benefit of an exercise drill we call 'SuperLight'. SuperLight is a very controlled slowed exchange of technique in a safe environment. There's less of a focus on gap closing and more on the interaction of technique with a dynamic opponent. Of course we are no longer white belts. No longer beginners. The need for safety and control is needed in order to allow us to play with techniques that are dangerous and that would debilitate or maim our training partner if done without precision.

The discussion from the second video is about default 'traditional' hard style training approaches and how they affect combative skills. Hey, I'm not here to knock hard style training. We train line drills in order to blitz down centre line. But the line can still be applied! It can go obliquely, downward, and when stretched, it can circle the opponent!!! I'm saying that whatever methodology you use or training aids ... you need to look at what the training is trying to achieve, then make up for any disadvantage it has.

What tips would you have to improve sparring and the feedback you have in your school? What interaction would you require to better acquaint yourself with the traditional content? How would you provide feedback to an instructor who prioritised physical fitness in the class? What kind of home equipment do you need that might help you develop necessary skills?

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    Come play with us ...

  • Make basic blocks part of an indispensable close quarter toolkit!
  • Breathe life into your line drill.
  • Integrate easy throws into a hard style syllabus.
  • Endow simple kicks with (more) stopping power.
  • Tap into martial philosophy & etiquette to get you into the zone.
  • Taekwondo pattern applications show the form is not there to limit you!
  • We welcome all styles, all ranks, and especially welcome open-minded practitioners.
  • Happy to also ditch training and just hang out.

  • We are located in Perth, Western Australia. But if you can't make it to us ...
    Travel itinerary for our black belts in 2020/1 include but not limited to:
    USA, Melbourne, Singapore, Manila, and Germany. Please inquire.

    To avoid embarrassment, please do not inquire about certification through JDK. Additionally, please do not offer certification as a token of appreciation to any JDK member. 

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